IBG Interview – 8 Questions With… Phoenix Ashley Nova

Phoenix Ashley Nova
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Creating music is a very personal thing. You must make music that makes you happy before trying to please any specific audience. It will not always be easy but the passionate work can yield amazing results. Our recent discovery Phoenix Ashley Nova is in their own lane, and they likes it that way.

We caught up with the innovative artist to get a little deeper into the backstory and future plans. Enjoy the interview here:

First off, what is it that draws you to create music?

I always wanted to lure sailors off-course with my beautiful playing until they get shipwrecked on the rocks.

How would you describe the Phoenix Ashley Nova sound?

It’s sometimes peaceful and serene, sometimes playful, sometimes powerful.  

Which artists have had the biggest influence on you?

Debussy, Gazmada, Metric, Pink, Crystal Castles, Lady Gaga, Poppy

Check out ‘Peach Gardens’ by Phoenix Ashley Nova

How does a song come together for Phoenix Ashley Nova? What is your songwriting process?

I have found Ableton Live extremely useful for songwriting.  Usually, I first program in the chord progressions on a loop, then I improvise until I have written a melody for each progression.  Then I arrange it and export it.  Then I listen back to it until the melody is engrained in me.  Then I practice on piano, playing around with things and changing it here and there until I have a general idea for how the song could be played.  My performance of a song will never be the same twice.  I love improvising when I play.

What do you hope your listeners take away from your music?

A sense of belonging and peace

Who is your favorite Powerpuff Girl and why?

Bubbles.  She’s Just so sweet.  But she can be hardcore when she needs to be!

Share some advice for other artists building a career in their own way.

Never give up, never surrender!

What does the future hold for Phoenix Ashley Nova?

I’m practicing for my new piano album.  I plan on performing covers of Taylor Swift, Cyndi Lauper, Josie and the Pussycats, and more!

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