Jazz From the Valley’s “Shake That”

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Rolling out of the silence on the back of a steady groove that doesn’t give up on us for anything, Jazz From the Valley’s “Shake That” isn’t the most explosive track or music video in the rap universe at the moment, but it wasn’t designed to be. In this performance we will find Jazz From the Valley removing herself from the chaos of the outside world as well as the common trends populating its charts at the moment; instead of following the path of her rivals, she’s getting simpler with this style and sounding even more compelling because of it, which appears to be her goal as an artist in general.

The lyrics to “Shake That” talk a lot but don’t sound too commentarial, and I don’t think this is a song that will eventually sound overwhelmingly dated to the year 2022 as a lot of other rap has in the past year.

There’s an understated sense of affirmation that comes with realizing you can never go backward in life, and beyond the surface-level cosmetics that we get to encounter with this piece, the narrative in this track transcends the limitations of its subject matter in a couple of crucial areas. Poetically and musically progressive, this is a most clandestinely captivating work for anyone who appreciates poppier hip-hop. 

“Shake That” concludes the same way it starts (subtly), but while I don’t think this is going to be the most elaborate track you turn up before the year expires, it just might be one of the most well-meaning in spirit. Jazz From the Valley doesn’t make any apologies for her swaggering attitude here, and if she’s going to keep on making music with as professional an overtone as she has in 2022, she’s going to find a growing audience amassing with each of her maturing releases arriving online and in stores everywhere around the world. This is a good debut and a solid means of developing her rep.

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