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Being around a scene for a while can teach a musician how to play in many styles and how to combine it all to find a personal style.  Musicians who play in, or even just jam with, many different bands can increase their improve chops tremendously.  Yes, music can be made home alone, sitting behind a keyboard nowadays, but those musicians are stuck within their own talents and do not leave themselves room to grow.  One artist that leaves himself open to learn and be influenced by everyone he plays with is John Flynn.

John Flynn

The New Jersey native plays keyboards and trombone in a slew of bands around the northeast.  John Flynn now is moving toward a solo career with his debut record.  Bouncing around the jam band scene has taught John how to stand out in a crowd as well as just carry a groove when the song demands it.  He went out and recruited some talented friends to perform his original high energy music incorporating influences from rock, soul, reggae, post-punk, and ska.  Adding some witty and lyrics has created a style that is all John’s own.

The recently released debut solo record is called Heading For The Sun.  The 9-track album touches all of John Flynn’s influences and shows a man that can perform them all admirably.  The opening track ‘Home’ is a slow yet fun and poppy song with a groove that sucks the listener in.  This is a song that will be stuck humming in your head way after the track ends.  The title track ‘Heading For The Sun’ leads with a driving beat and some jangly guitars that make it a very easy listen.  John harkens back to an earlier time of jam band nostalgia when life was much simpler and love was in the air.  He shows off a lighter side on ‘Policeman’ with a ska feel and lyrics that will put a smile on your face.  One of John Flynn’s real talents for writing memorable choruses shines through here.  The only real knock I could put on this record is that the production and mix is a little sloppy.  This will get better with time and I am sure the live show is a roaring good time.

There is something for everyone on Heading For The Sun.  Go get a listen for yourself at: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/johnflynn2

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