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We always love a success story here at Indie Band Guru.  You may recall a little while back when we brought you the tale of California rapper JoneZen.  After a successful music career spanning 7 years and over 400 shows, the “rock star” lifestyle caught up with him and his struggles with alcohol almost landed him in the grave.  He landed in rehab and was able to get out the other side with a renewed outlook on life.  Going from the top to the bottom was quite a ride but JoneZen is ready to restart his ride back to the summit.

JoneZen Live From Rehab

Aside from the success of rehabilitation JoneZen was able to create a full album while behind the closed doors of the facility which is properly titled Live From Rehab.  The 13 track album is more than just music but a testament to his story of survival.  The listener can get into JoneZen’s life with the song ‘Beautiful Disaster’.  Olivia Dunkley provides the haunting chorus over an exciting beat that will wake you up and prepare you for the story.  On ‘Fly’ JoneZen shows that he has developed some impressive singing chops to go along with his notable flow.  The smooth back beat serves as a relaxing contrast to the lyrics being shared.  The track that really jumped out at me was the stirring ‘N-A-S-T-Y’.  The energy is striking as he opens up his world to the listener.  Nothing is held back here.  There is even more sincerity on the sweet but sad ‘If I Die Young’ and the powerful ‘What If’.  JoneZen has no issues telling the listener all the deep and dark thoughts that were going through his head during this trying time in his life.  Enjoy ‘What If’ below:

Bottom line: JoneZen’s Live from Rehab is a great welcome back for the artist that is prepared to get right back to the top by sharing his experience of the journey.  We highly suggest you give the record a listen at: www.jonezenmusic.com

or download it for free at: http://www.datpiff.com/Jonezen-Live-From-Rehab-mixtape.461348.html

—I selected this post to be featured on Best Music Blogs. Please visit the site and vote for my blog!

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