Kate Brown brings rock and folk together with “6 Shots”

Kate Brown
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I’m a huge believer in the theory that everyone has a story to tell, and they do so through very different means. Some prefer to write it out in pure text, some choose to create a painting or drawing, and others still decide to tell their stories through song.

Kate Brown is an Iowa-born and raised Folk singer/songwriter, who has just put out her new single, “6 Shots.” The song is said to reveal the “raw passion of an infuriating love.” She has put her passion to the test, going from selling her own CDs to performing in small coffee shops. Finally, after ending up in Chicago, she formed the Kate Brown Band which is comprised of herself and actor/musician Tony Sancho.

Kate Brown Tells her Story Through Song

Her newest single is a little over 4 minutes of raw energy, and I must say the vocals that presented themselves early on into the track kind of took me by surprise. There’s an intensity there that greatly resembles classic folk music, and the instruments in the background only enhance this. It’s quite a catchy tune right off the bat, and there seems to be a sense of empowerment behind the seemingly dismal lyrics.

Although the track seems to be somewhat upbeat, even complete with fiddle playing in the background, it truly tells the tale of a relationship gone sour. Very sour. Being stuck in this negative environment is played out through the music, and the emotion is truly portrayed through her voice.

The vocals somewhat resemble something that you’d find in the ’70s, but also holds some of that Alanis Morissette charm that is truly enticing and really ignites a sense of girl power within you. Overall, I’d have to say that this is a very unusual song that really holds some powerful qualities. If you have any prior knowledge of the folk genre, you might want to check this out, because I think you’d be quite impressed.

You can head on over to Kate Brown’s Facebook Page to learn more.

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