“All Yours” by Krish Valentine

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With a single delicate touch, a hook comes to life, quietly at first, and slowly imparts to us a bright tone that will linger into the atmosphere as singer Krish Valentine shapes it into a powerful, dancefloor-inspired anthem in “All Yours,” his latest single. As we press on, a playful melody peppers the arrangement with a striking confidence that will spread to the pendulous drum track and find its true commander in Valentine’s lush lyrical lashings from behind the microphone, which inarguably holds everything together in the song.

“All Yours” is in many respects a merger of old-fashioned beats and new-school tonality, mastered in high-definition sound to allow for every textured nuance in the music to receive the star treatment in the grander scheme of things. It’s a fine addition to a growing discography of melodic gems coming out of the international underground at the moment, and an intriguing song that I think would appeal to almost anyone with a taste for highbrow pop flavor. 

Valentine sounds more in his element in this track than some of his major label competition has in 2023, and that’s saying something when we consider how confident a performance a lot of the top tier talent in all of this genre have been asserting in years past. He’s never sounding inept in the recording studio here, and he comes across as sure of herself as a seasoned songwriter twice his age would. His vocal isn’t quite as high in the mix as I would normally like it to be, but it isn’t slighted in favor of emphasizing the instrumental hook in the least.

“All Yours” spotlights the duality in his versatile skillset perhaps better than any other kind of single could have, and I think that it shows off his ability to harmonize with really intimidating melodies quite exquisitely. His generation of players hasn’t let me down in the past, but based on what I’m hearing in this song, I don’t think that he’s finished evolving as a recording artist yet. He’s a singer who has the potential to constantly grow into his sound, and that alone makes him a bit of a treasure in this era. 

Refined, richly textured, and sumptuously designed for both casual and serious fans alike, Krish Valentine’s “All Yours” is a spellbinder of a single that has definitely roused my attention this February, and I know that I’m not going to be the only critic to say as much. Valentine’s continued development and stylistic expansion are presented to us in this latest release without overstating the ambitions of the star herself, and in an age rife with egotism and self-centeredness among singers and songwriters alike, he’s dishing out something not only creatively compelling but genuinely refreshing on an artistic level as well. I hope that the club components present here are something that he explores further in upcoming projects, but no matter what direction he takes his music in next, I plan on keeping a close eye on his brand just the same. 

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