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Sometimes a chance meeting or random connection can provide the needed spark in a music career.  We always hear stories of musicians who never even knew each other, meeting in some haphazard way and going on to produce some of the most innovative music.  The latest such product of this is the band Kung Fu Academy.

Kung Fu Academy

The group from Scotland met when four music students were randomly put together for a one-off performance.  The chemistry was evident immediately and the band was born.  When we reach outside of our direct social circles we often find musical minds that are closer to ours than anyone we know personally.  Kung Fu Academy found this and the dedication has pushed them to create something much bigger than the sum of its parts.  They have developed a funk-based pop style with plenty of sing-along harmonies and have worked hard to expose it to the masses with constant gigging and writing new music by the boatload.  They have established themselves as a remarkable live act that is building up quite the following.

Last year Kung Fu Academy released the Dirty Honey EP to critical acclaim.  Now they are back very quickly with their latest effort Super 8 Flashback, being released through Whimsical Records on April 15th, 2013.  The 24 minute EP builds off of the retro funk-pop that KFA has become known for.  The opening title track ‘Super 8 Flashback’ begins with a funky feel reminiscent of early Red Hot Chili Peppers and goes back and forth with a luscious harmonic chorus.  This is a song I expect to become hugely popular at their live gigs. Enjoy it below:

The next track ‘Sally’ has a dance-y disco feel that I challenge any listener to sit still through.  The band jumps into more traditional retro alternative rock with the songs ‘The Long Fall’ and ‘Junction’.  Kung Fu Academy shows off their softer side on ‘Warpaint,’ a mellow ballad featuring phenomenal harmonies and lovely guitar work.  Although only 6 songs, this is a complete record showing that this collection of musicians can put out some extraordinary music with a variety of influences.  This is ready for mainstream rock and roll.

Go immediately to give Kung Fu Academy a listen at: http://kungfuacademy.bandcamp.com/


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