“Let There Be Light” from Mychael Gabriel

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Indie rock in 2022 has been a strong source of excitement among music fans this year and taking a look at the new single “Let There Be Light” from Mychael Gabriel should give you a pretty good idea as to why. For those who aren’t already in the know, Mychael Gabriel is an instrumentalist and songwriter whose inquisitive compositional nature has been garnering critical acclaim in the underground this month, and in this new studio work he takes on the challenge of combining the talents of two unique styles in throwback pop and hard-edged rock – with his own standing as the bridge between them.

This is probably one of the only songs in this player’s scene to feature vocals overtaking the girth of a groove, but with someone like Gabriel working the mic, it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise. His style is more aggressive than what the competition’s is, and he doesn’t clash with the instrumental prowess of the guitar parts because of how evenly this beat places both of their daringly melodic contributions to the hook. The instrumental charismas Mychael Gabriel is likely to become known for aren’t missing from the big picture, but simply tucked away as a measure of sonic support more than they are the main attraction in this single.

No matter how he is dishing out the verses, the rhythm is balancing the harmonies like nothing else could have – and proving that this player can make even the most calculated of performances sound simple. The task set before him is relatively complicated if you break it down to the black and white of the music – he wants to take what is classic and make it feel new and rejuvenated, which is a challenge a lot of his peers have not been able to live up to, but he doesn’t sound even the least bit intimidated when he’s stepping into the studio here.

This musician’s scene hasn’t been getting the credit it deserves when it comes to indie rock, pop, and neo-R&B crossovers, but I think that’s going to change as more artists like Mychael Gabriel start getting out of the underground channels and into the crosshairs of American mainstream audiences. He’s already outgrown the space his blue-collar approach to the music business has afforded him, and from where I sit, he’s ready for the big leagues in “Let There Be Light.” True rock n’ roll hasn’t got as many heroes these days as it really ought to have, but this is one musician who definitely cares about the sanctity of the aesthetic and everyone who made it what it is today.

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