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We often talk about the interesting ways that band members meet up and decide to take a musical journey together.  Fans have often been instrumental in pairing musicians together but what happens when a fan makes the connection with a solo artist and the next thing you know is his partner in music.  This seems to be the story of our recent find Paper Dolls.

Paper Dolls

The raw alternative/punk band was formed last year when musician Matthew (Sosam) Banks was contacted by distant fan, Ramon (Saysong) Madera and they bonded enough to band together to go on their own musical voyage.  The Paper Dolls duo share a disdain for mainstream radio and vowed to make music on their own terms.  Saysong’s dark yet witty lyrics paired with Sosam’s droning yet energticd vocals and guitar technique has created something quite different.  This is raw music that is released to the world as soon as they are done putting it to tape.  The Paper Dolls are especially noted for their unusually high output of songs, averaging 1 or 2 new songs released per week.

Indie Band Guru had the opportunity to get a listen to some of Paper Doll’s latest musical output.  There is just a raw energy that seems to emanate from all of their tracks.  ‘Stix And Stones’ is a chunky and sometimes sloppy track that brought back memories of early Nirvana music (before they hit the mainstream).  This is grunge punk at its finest.  Another song that showed some influences was ‘Quietly Killed’. There is some Strokes like guitar work here with vocals that bring back recollections of older artists like the Smiths or The Cure even.  The duo shows that they can bring that crude vigor to the video world too with their low budget video for ‘Rock n Roll’.  An amusing and entertaining chase scene involving a Teddy Bear headed man needs to be seen.  Enjoy it below:

Bottom line:  They may need some production work but if you are ready for some raw and energetic rock music, Paper Dolls can be your band.  Go find out more at: http://www.reverbnation.com/paperdolls or https://www.facebook.com/pages/Paper-Dolls/283097308471567

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