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There are many solo artists out there that have a fear of collaboration, whether it be fear of not being good enough or fear of anyone else providing input on songs that they wrote or a myriad of other reasons.  But when that fear subsides and two musicians with a common passion for music come together great things can happen.  This seems to be the case with our latest find Quails In The Nest.

Quails in the nest

There has been a huge upswing in the last few years of 2 man bands with just guitar and drums to push a song along.  Guitarist Mikey Molnar and drummer Nicholas Valerio met back in high school concert band and took the plunge to start writing together in 2010.  The pair complements each other well with a simple groove and flow that captures their love of everything that is music.  Their indie folk sound could be compariable to bands like Fleet Foxes or even singer/songwirter Jack Johnson.  It is abundantly obvious that the two really enjoy playing together and it comes through in their large sound.

Back in the summer Quails In The Nest ventured to Selkirk, Ontario to record their debut album Live At Cottonwood Mansion.  The 7 song record has an overall warmth to it that makes it an easy listen.  The album opens with the up tempo ‘Like A Fool’.  There is a lot going on here that creates a warm soundscape with Mikey’s vocals welcoming the listener into the circle around the fire.  Harmonica fills make it feel even more homey. The band put together a great little video for the song as well.  Enjoy it here:

On ‘I know I’m Home’ the duo starts slow but then Nick comes in with a peppy little drum beat that puts a happy step in your heart.  The lyrics are relatable to any performer that has gone on the road and has had that cozy feeling when you are finally headed back home.  The album closes with ‘Every Little Thing’.  It is a beautiful song where both members of Quails In The Nest show off their talents and offer up a glimpse into what the future could hold.  This is a complete record for a lazy night of relaxation and reflection.  Go get a taste for yourself at: http://www.quailsinthenest.com

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