RESURRECTION STORY Explains ‘String Theory and Collapsing Stars’

Resurrection Story
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Detroit’s Resurrection Story delivers classic prog-rock magic on the group’s debut album String Theory and Collapsing Stars. 

Available now on all streaming platforms, the record is a complex and personal journey through some deep emotional territory. The vibe is heavy, smart, and atmospheric in a supremely listenable way, skipping over long scale passages in favor of actual songwriting chops. String Theory and Collapsing Stars deftly blends a vintage Zeppelin/Floyd blues-based prog approach with 21st century production techniques and attitudes. It’s an outstanding combination of influences that alternately challenges and reaffirms each listener in an artistic, entertaining way. 

Resurrection Story uses this album as a place to speak on ideas like chaos, harmony, and the balancing act of existence. The lineup of Ronnie Schoenstein (lead vocals), Jason Charboneau (guitar, backing vocals, cello), Fred Grennan (bass, backing vocals), and Matt Sabin (drums) is an intelligent and collaborative unit that fearlessly pushes itself to the edge of its art. Tracks like “Grift,” “Daze,” and the epic, nearly 12-minute “Insanity” are expansive and confident. They take up all the room they need and conform only to the band’s desires. 

Let Resurrection Story Put You In A “Daze”

All four musicians involved in Resurrection Story are high-value players who know when to rock and when to think. This makes String Theory and Collapsing Stars one sweet listen from beginning to end. Each band member excels in this long-form format while always maintaining the structural integrity of the songs. None of the cuts  here ever dissolves into a gratuitous shred fest but the performances are always on target and inspiring. 

Fans of rock legends Led Zeppelin, Rush, and Pink Floyd will likely find Resurrection Story to be a rotation-worthy new band. String Theory and Collapsing Stars is an impressive first outing and watching this bunch evolve from here should be compelling and fun. Get it while it’s hot.

Keep up with more from Resurrection Story HERE.

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