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Talented artists need to stay on top of their game, both musically and in their marketing.  You must make lasting and beneficial relationships with people from all aspects of the music industry.  A good place to start is getting some music writers behind you.  One man that has caught our attention and stays in touch to keep Indie Band Guru in the know is Rob Grimes.

We have brought the San Diego born hip hop artist to your attention before, see past post.   Rob has now gotten back to us with his latest video for “Now You Do”.  Enjoy it below:

The song features his enigmatic style of blowing you away with fast paced lyrics and a back beat that sets a different tone almost immediately.  This hard-soft blend has a way of capturing the listeners attention and setting Rob Grimes apart from the cookie cutter music that is so common nowadays.  His latest release, “Some Will Some Won’t”, do out Dec 17th, represents the idea that while some people express love and others don’t, it’s important to move forward in life.  It acts as a diary of Rob’s interesting past year.  Keep an eye out for it at: http://www.robgrimesmusic.com/

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