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The constant search for innovative music continues.  We recently came across a band that has the music and even more importantly has the drive, desire and hard working attitude to achieve their goals as a band.  Stalin is about to become a well known name in the underground music world.  A little while back we posted our interview with the hard rockers that are not afraid to open up and share their thoughts; read it here.

Now the boys have sent us some tracks from their upcoming debut album to get a listen to. The San Francisco based Stalin offer up a dark transgressive rock sound that is fresh to a scene that had been getting slightly repetitive.  On “Modern Love” the band starts out slow with just a distorted guitar and vocals before more and more sound is added to an an immense wall of cacophony.  The breakdowns to feature the deep lyrics allow the listener time to reflect on what is truly happening in their ears.  Stalin shows their love and disdain for their home state and the modern music industry with “California”.  The powerful song with its memorable chorus and mind bending imagery is also the first music video by Stalin.  It is quite an interesting watch that has already garnered over 25,000 views.  Enjoy it here:

More of a progressive feel is heard on “Junkie Brigade”.  There is terrific instrumentation as well as space left purposely empty to draw in the listener.  The mellow piano lead parts are downright beautiful.  More upbeat speed energy is heard on “Your Arms, Destroyed By You”.  Again the song bounces from different styles and levels to create something unique.

Stalin is one of our favorite new bands and definitely a group to keep your eye on.  Follow them at: http://www.stalin.org/ and their everyday ramblings at: https://www.facebook.com/Stalin1144

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  1. Gorb

    Love this band! Come to Portland!