Survivors Of The Kraken Finally Get To Their ‘Amid Life Crises’

Survivors Of The Kraken

It can not be said very often that a band that first got together over twenty years ago has just released their debut record. Life has had its twists and turns with many of us but somehow music always finds a way of putting everything back together at just the right time. This is the story of our recent discovery Survivors Of The Kraken. 

It all began in Southern New England at the turn of the 21st century when high school friends Brian Decoteaux, Allan Furtado, Justin Marra found their connection in music. Their unique sound got the boys noticed and playing alongside some of the big acts of the scene. As pop/punk exploded out of that scene, the future Survivors of The Kraken got lost along the way not willing to confirm just to fit in. Life beckoned and the guys went their own ways. It wasn’t until the early 2010s that they reconnected and began toying with the idea of playing together again. Agreeing there was still something there the trio began rehearsing regularly and in late January of 2012 played their first official show as Survivors of The Kraken. ​

Survivors Of The Kraken – Good Things Come To Those With Patience

Another decade passed with the band playing all around Massachusetts and Rhode Island refining their sound. On March 22, 2024 Survivors of The Kraken finally released their long awaited debut record Amid Life Crises. The 10-track album was recorded at subModern Audio in Providence, RI without the aid of computers directly to 2″ tape and mixed down to 1/4″. This is the sound of human beings, playing instruments, and making music together. Perfectly imperfect giving a live listening experience that is on the verge of extinction in today’s modern music scene.

The raw energy begins with the opening song “Dying On The Vine.” The mix of crunchy guitars, banging drums, and fun bass fills brings the listener right into the room with the band. No fancy tricks, just good old fashioned rock n roll. The vocal delivery of Justin Marra on “Tattered Baggage” drips with emotion without having to slow down. An often difficult task. 

The fun and slightly exotic beat of “Second Time Around” shows off the years of playing together that has become a staple of Survivors Of The Kraken. These guys can feel exactly where the others want to take the song and meld together into one cohesive unit, even as a guitar solo pops up. The tone slows down a little bit on “Ghost Lights” but let’s not think we are getting a ballad here. This is still raw live band energy that reaches directly out of the speakers to demand attention as it draws you in.

Survivors Of The Kraken are tough to pin down to one specific genre. Although there is a simple rock vibe we get elements of grunge, prog rock, and even some Jazz licks from time to time. “Empty Sky” seems to put all these pieces into one complete track. The closer “Broken Sound” finishes us off well with each piece again finding its own place to take the listener on a different journey with each listen. Hit repeat and enjoy.

Lovers of real rock n roll can keep up with Survivors Of The Kraken on their WEBSITE.

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