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The local music scenes have changed a lot over the past 20 years.  What used to often be a battle between bands to get the better gigs or recording studio has in many places turned into a cooperative effort to help every musician together as a whole.  This works much better and the contacts and friendships that develop this way form strong bonds in like-minded people.  A good example of the result of this cooperation is the band The Yellow Dress.

The Yellow Dress

This “super group” is a collection of musicians from the underground DIY scene in San Francisco and Oakland.  Each member has at least one other band in which they perform locally.  By working together through the years throughout their different bands a strong musical bond was formed that has been going strong for over 6 years and  now a 3rd album about to be released.

Early next year, January 4th to be exact, The Yellow Dress will release their third and heavily anticipated album Faint Music // Ordinary Light.  The 8 track record was recorded entirely analog at John Vanderslice’s Tiny Telephone Studios.  It is an ode to anti-folk with an interesting happy vibe carried throughout.  This rawness creates a warmness on songs like “Existential Heckle”.  The reverbed vocals are backed up with a wide range of instruments creating a full wall of sound with the feel of a simple melody.  This song just makes you feel it’s “Gonna Be OK” as the lyrics say.  The warmth of the analog recording continues on “A Complete List Of Fears Ages 5-28(aprox)”.  The well sung and energetic lyrics remain very relatable as they build.  The folk feel is there but the sound of a full group is very appreciated as opposed to a solo singer/songwriter here.  I recommend you go get this one now as it is available for free download at: http://theyellowdress.bandcamp.com/track/a-complete-list-of-fears-ages-5-28-aprox.  The full album continues in the fun yet self-disparaging tone of other bands I really like now such as The Mountain Goats and The Magnetic Fields.  There are also multi colored vinyl versions available to complete the fellow music snob like me’s collection.  Find out more at: http://theyellowdress.bandcamp.com/

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