More and more artists are out there today creating amazing music. Some as a hobby but others are looking to get their music heard by the masses. Fortunately with the advance of technology and streaming services this is now possible without the need of signing with a major label. There are great companies out there helping independent artists reach their potential. One such growing company is our friends from Vibeable.
Like the start of many other great companies, the founders saw a personal need and figured out a way to create it for themselves, and now others. The independent music industry is one that can truly use more good companies to help the little guy compete.
Vibeable provides music distribution services to independent artists and labels.
Their goal is to enable everyone to distribute their music worldwide, for free. This is a process that has become very confusing over the last few years. More and more streaming services are showing up where fans go to find music. At the same time some of these streaming services make it downright difficult to navigate and get your music listed there.

The other (dark) side is an influx in random “record labels” popping up with offers to help independent artists get their music to the masses. These unscrupulous companies promise the world but never seem to deliver. What they hide in the fine print is that the “label” will own everything you create and take a huge percentage of your earnings. Too many young and naive artists are falling for these traps. They get sucked in by the dream of signing with a “record label” but later realize that they were in fact just swindled.
Vibeable is here to protect these independent artists from these scams. The company offers worldwide distribution of your music to over 200 platforms for free! The connections they have made allow Vibeable to get your music released and published within 5 days. Customer support is available 24/7 and payments are delivered monthly on a statement you can understand. All this for a small 15% cut of your royalties.
So in essence the more they help you get your music out there and listened to, the more they make for themselves. A true partnership that benefits all involved. There are also customizable paid plans available to eliminate that small royalty share. This seems to be a company that has the best interest at heart and will grow rapidly as independent artists catch on.
Go find out more details for yourself at Vibeable and let them know Indie Band Guru sent you. Let’s take back the music industry for the independents!!! Together we succeed.