Most of the time artists that we work with get back in touch with us later when they record a new album for us to take a listen to. It is a rare, but sometimes welcome change for someone to send us some music from an earlier project so we can get a feel for the development and growth of an artist. The trend breaker that did this recently is our friend Young Coconut.
One of his previous bands that he was particularly proud of was Yim Tin Tam. The band was put together back in 2005 with co-founder Paul Lipton as an outlet to play some alternative funk rock. The band was a short lived odyssey but before their disappearance they managed to release the full length album Pink Magic which was picked up and released by Fauxtown Records. The 16 track album shows some real songwriting talent that comes together nicely even without the best production. On “(Running Slowly Through A Field Of Shattered) Shapes) drummer Paul Lipton stands out with interesting fills and a beat that is hard to pin down. The vocal style brings in a taste of pop and surf to the mix. The old time feel of “Too Shy To Kiss” is a nice change up that seems like it would fit as well in a western saloon as a funky little coffee house. The funk is heard on “Love Is True” with a deep little bassline to push it along. There is some real promise heard on “F.C.A.”. There is a punk taste here to meld with the poppy upbeat track. The album is definitely worth a listen at:
Keep up with the newer explorations of Young Coconut at: