Anyone can tell you that it’s getting harder and harder to find decent, honest rock and roll today without going back to the classics. Every now and then, though, we find a band that gives us hope for the future of the genre. One such band is Catalina Shortwave.

Catalina Shortwave

The New York band just released their second album, “Radio Voodoo,” which was preceded by “Repeater (released in 2014). Catalina Shortwave really draws from what made Rock great in the first place: the honest lyrics and emotionally driven performance. They bring the Punk mentality of “doing it yourself” back to Rock and Roll, and it’s definitely been working for them.

Their style ranges from the energetic, Ramonesesque punk-rock of “Anne Boleyn, to the brooding, Radiohead-like ballad “Blood Orange.” This type of diversity is what really makes the band stand out. “Blood Orange’s” waltz-tempo and definite blues influence gives a taste of the musical literacy of the band. However, they aren’t a band that’s just repeating what’s already been done; there’s definitely something emergent in their style, and we look forward to seeing what they’ll come out with in the future. Catalina Shortwave doesn’t just see Rock and Roll as music, they see it as an art in need of revival.

For information about the band, their albums, and upcoming events, visit:  

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