Black Foxxes Release Latest Album ‘Reiði’

Black Foxxes
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United Kingdom-based band Black Foxxes recently released their second full length album, Reiði’. This dynamic record was titled after the Icelandic word for “rage,” matching up with the heavy themes brought up throughout the album, something true in their debut release as well.


From the first track, “Breathe,” it is clear that the album is going to deal with serious themes and subject matter. Throughout this first song, the line “I wanna set myself free” is repeated several times, accompanied by a bold rock sound.The repeating lines in this song set up the rest of the album. “Breathe” transitions incredibly well into the second track, “Manic In Me,” which starts off as a much lighter song, showing off the range that Black Foxxes are capable of.


Black Foxxes Get Personal and Experiment With Their Sound


Reiði’ includes many moments and lyrics that deal with self reflection and self doubt, creating a thoughtful album that expresses the way writer and singer Mark Holley feels about himself and the world around him.


On the song “Am I Losing It” Holley sings, “Am I losing it / Inside my head / Am I wasting all my life / Inside my head.” This song in particular explores dealing with ones own thoughts and contemplations. The song gives off a solitary, lonely feeling that is present on a lot of Black Foxxes’ songs on this album.

Reiði’ maintains a heavy rock mood throughout the entire album, yet features many more subtle songs. On Reiði’, Black Foxxes finds a balance between these different sides of their sound as well as experiments with other influences. On “JOY,” the band includes a section with horns, breaking up the song and giving it a dreamier, spacier feel.


Black Foxxes also experiment with the song “Take Me Home.” This song starts off with breathy vocals and quiet guitar, but also includes electronic drum beats. The inclusion of these subtle aspects of their songs make Reiði’ as a whole more powerful, and make clear the other genres that influence the band.


Reiði’ is an album that deals with intense subject matter in an accessible, artful way. Reiði’ can be found here.

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