Calhuis Opens up With ‘XO’

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With the help of technology and music distribution companies, it has become easier and quicker to get your music out into the world. Now you can record a song and have it streaming on Spotify within a week or so. So fast that often the artist doesn’t even have their presence out there on the internet yet. Perhaps this is calculated with our most recent find Calhuis.

The male pop music duo (I assume from their cover image), has their website and social names captured but there is not too much info there to gather about Calhuis. If the plan is to just get a great smooth pop song out into the world, they have accomplished that goal with the release of the single “XO.” 

The song starts with a verbal attack for a second before dissolving into a smooth love song that could soothe any soul. Interesting sounds come from all angles of the mix to build a full on soulful banger. The vocals drip with romantic emotion. There are feelings here that we have all experienced. We are all willing to give the X and Os but sometimes that is all we have to offer.

If this is a representation of what Calhuis has on the drawing board we will be keeping close tabs on what comes next….. And hope they start updating their social media pages so we can get a deeper look under the covers.



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