Dejhare Shows Us ‘Lovescape’

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Dejhare makes music with a mission. She believes music speaks to us all on a fundamental level. Dejhare’s newest EP Lovescape is the newest step in her musical journey. This project is a collage of different experiences of love, taking the listener on a journey through the highs and lows of a relationship. In addition to its universal message, Lovescape is an easy to enjoy EP, full of fun pop songs with reggaetón beats that add danceability to the emotional content.

Introducing the album is “Light Up,” a song that serves as a beacon of light and hope for someone who is going through a dark time in their life. Dejhare excels at creating uplifting narratives in the exciting setting of pop music. This song also sets the tone for this EP with a surreal sound and pop appeal.

Both “Drawn To You” and “Under A Spell” are about the magnetism between two people in a relationship. “Drawn To You” is an ethereal pop song that embodies the magical beginning of a romance. This song is full of overwhelming emotion for someone that is evident in Dejhare’s exaggerated vocal flourishes. “Under A Spell” is about doing anything to overcome challenges in a relationship, particularly a long-distance one. This song shows that music can ring true through obstacles and barriers.

Dejhare shows a lot of emotional depth with “Like A Fool” and “Nobody” which both feature themes of dealing with a toxic relationship. These songs are far from depressing however, “Like A Fool” validates feelings of frustration and empowers people to move on. “Nobody” is there to give the message that though there is pain in leaving a toxic relationship, you are better for it.

“Going Solo” is a great track to end our Lovescape. This song is about moving on from a relationship and brings with it a lot of mixed emotions leaving the EP off on a bittersweet note. This song is a compelling end to the EP, tying together all the themes.

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