An album was delivered today with a cool looking cover, so of course we gave it a listen.  First thought: Wow, how did I miss this album when it was released in the early/mid 1990’s?  Wait, it wasn’t made then?  The band EndAnd just released Adventures of Fi in Space last week.  Don’t get me wrong, this is not old recycled music, but instead a band that has the balls to bring back the sounds of one of the best times ever in music, in my opinion.

EndAnd is a noisy punk/alternative trio from Brooklyn, New York that have been gaining the favor of some influential music blogs such as Large Hearted Boy and Those Who Dig, and now even more importantly Indie Band Guru.  This is a relatively new band that started as a duo in early 2011 with Daniel Fern on guitar and vocals and Mike Morales pounding the drums behind him.  It wasn’t until early this year when bassist Bill Fitzgerald joined them and they completed the power punk trio.

The new LP, Adventures of Fi In Space, is really a summation of two previous EP’s; Adventures of Hi-Fi in Space, and Adventures of Lo-Fi in Space. Both the lo- and the hi- are represented here.  It is the best of both worlds in one place.  The lo-fi ‘When and There’ is a pretty song with mellow guitar and vocal feel but a stop and start drumbeat that really captures your attention.  “Death Song,” off of the hi-fi side, is a power pop sing along that could be a lost Foo Fighters track.  Great guitar work, sexy drum fills, and vocals that reach for your guts.  It’s hard to pick a favorite but “Commando” might be it.  Awesome guitar licks, pounding drums, and a bass line that drags you through the grunge and makes you feel dirty afterwards like you want to.

Bottom line: This is a great fucking record bringing back old memories of *Stellastar, Ned’s Atomic Dustbin, The Pixies, and all the other great 90’s bands that have long been forgotten.  They join contemporaries such as Cloud Nothings and Wavves that are trying to bring that sound back.  This album has been on repeat on my iPod for a week now and I recommend you go get it and do the same.

Tell the boys to get a proper website but until then check them out at:

and stream at:

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