Grumble Bee
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2015 saw the release of Grumble Bee’s (project by Jack Bennett) EP Disconnect. It showcased an artist who was fearless with his craft by throwing the music rulebook out of the window. He is one of those rare artists who create for the love of it, without restrictions. This collection of songs is like a force of nature, unpredictable, powerful, but a wonder to hear/see.


After its release, Bennett challenged himself by showing off a softer side to his craft. Using an acoustic guitar and piano, he created some stripped back versions of his songs. His video “Heron” brought a stunning heartfelt performance that shows he has a lot to offer.

Everything Between EP sees the return of Grumble Bee. “Red” starts things off by grabbing the listeners attention with his trademark rock sound. It is powerful and has intent just like his vocal style. The following three tracks all have these similar traits with “Bravest Soul” standing out tall.


Things change as the band is replaced for an acoustic guitar. It is used to create stripped back versions of “Soft Filter, Black & White Picture” and “Bravest Soul”. Bennetts intricate skills on the six-string bring a softer sound that is wonderful to hear. His vocals mirror a similar tone and at times are used to pack a punch to add more emotion.


They say to save the best for last, and with this release, this is the case. Bennett has created piano versions of “Francium” and “Heron”. Both are beautiful songs and highlight the depth of his musical talents. The way his vocals dance with the piano and deliver such emotion is stunning. The way they flow so effortlessly is captivating.


Everything Between is an impressive release that deserves the praise it will receive. It shows how much the music of Grumble Bee has evolved and the different styles he has to offer. He is a genuine talent that is going from strength to strength.


Everything Between is all about the talent that is Grumble Bee

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