Hueston Begins A New Chapter With ‘Orbs’

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Many would know Cory Hueston as the frontman of the indie/alternative-duo, The Blancos.  His vocal presence added so much to their lyrics. Especially in the way he could switch from a soulful tone to one that had a bit of swagger about it. These talents excelled with such tracks as “We’re Tired” and “Heartless Romantic”. But the road travelled by The Blancos has now come to an end. 

However, Hueston’s journey continues with a new collection of songs called Orbs. This solo project is produced in collaboration with ​Todd Spadafore​ and recorded at Love Potion Studios. The new album reflects the journey of ending one chapter and beginning a new one. He describes it as “Orbs​ is the culmination of immersed self-reflection, overcoming trauma and facing what scares you most. With songs like ​Eyes Bleed Water​ that on the surface speaks of a codependent relationship and a hurtful breakup but in reality encapsulates all the things we desperately hold on to thinking it’s for the best when they’re only hurting us more”. 

He continues “Orbs, ​the song that names the EP,​ ​comes along with a message of embrace. The turning point when some light starts shining through but emphasizing the importance of darkness. To go through the journey you have to visit the darkest place​, the most forgotten corners of your mind, the scariest experiences you need to face in order to wake up from it all”.

Orbs is a personal collection of songs and “Faith” is a perfect example of what Hueston has to offer. The gentle electronic arrangement welcomes the listener before he begins to showcase his vocal talent. He does so with the opening lines, “God grant me the day / To accept the things I cannot change / I been searching for the melody / But can’t find the words to say”.

Lyrically, Hueston has a lot to say, but his wordplay and the flow of the delivery makes them easy to take in. His songwriting ability excels as he puts complex emotions and feelings into words. Especially with the lines “Grant me the serenity to see the things I can’t see / Grant me all the peace that I need when I’m angry / I am not a saint, that don’t mean I ain’t godly / Tryna teach the faith to the people as they rob me”. 

“Eyes Bleed Water” shows off more of his lyrical talents. Not only that but the way they are shared also stand out. “Amends” offers a change of pace as Hueston slows things down to offer a tender moment. It is experienced during the opening lines “I was gone in November / I tried to call you remember / But you won’t talk to me / Yeah, you won’t talk to me”. He shares a story about something coming to an end. He uses his lyrics well to share his tale with lines such as “And I haven’t begun / To tell myself the truth / That we will never make amends / It’s something we can’t do”. The delivery of his words shows this song has more of personal meaning to him. 

The title track features a guest vocalist, his six-year-old son. His inclusion adds innocence to some of the lyrics but also results in empowering the words he shares. Of them all, “There’s nothing to be afraid of / This all happened for a reason” stand out the most. Talking about positive moments, “Believe” has plenty to offer. As the title implies, he is sharing a message about believing in yourself. Again, he chooses his lyrics of support wisely. Especially with the line “I, I’m allowed to be whatever I need to be”. As the song comes to a close, he stops his flow and talks to give his message more of an impact.

Orbs is the perfect showcase of the songwriting and vocal talents by Hueston

Talking about personal touches, Orbs comes to a close with one of the best performances by Hueston. “Goodbyes” delivers honest moments as he talks about letting go of everything to be able to move on. He sets the mood with the use of keys that flow gently. Soon, Hueston lets his vocals join in, which he uses to reflect the tone. From the start, his message is clear from the opening lines “I, I don’t need you in my life / I don’t need you to get high / I don’t need you to get by / And I don’t cry / For my goodbyes”. With this combination, the atmosphere creates an emotional and captivating moment.

As Orbs comes to a close, it leaves the listener wanting more. It is due to the quality of the songwriting and its delivery. If this is the sign of what Hueston has to offer in his new chapter with his music, the future is looking very good for him.

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