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Any lover of music with a desire to create their own should keep an ear open to a wide variety of genres.  Each different style can produce influences and techniques that can help develop a unique personal style that you can call all your own.  A good example is the music of our recent discovery Josh Buche.

Josh Buche

The talented musician was raised in Glen Ellyn, Illinois just outside of Chicago.  He picked up the guitar at the age of 8 and has been honing his songwriting and performance skills ever since.  His influences cover a wide spectrum from singer/songwriters such as Jeff Buckley, Elliott Smith and Nick Drake, to heavier bands like Nine Inch Nails, Muse, and Queens of the Stone Age.  This has given Josh Buche a sound that is all his own as he jumps all over the musical spectrum.  In addition to his solo work, Josh is also a main contributing songwriter and lead singer/guitarist in the band Sunsailor and one half of the soft-industrial duo _amethyst.  All of these outlets provide a great outlet for the mass amount of tunes trying to escape his mind.

His latest release is the solo full length album entitled Retroflux.  The 11 track record provides music from many genres to welcome listeners from everywhere.  The opening “Ballad Of Juan Guerrero” has touches of Spanish guitar and almost African drumbeats to set the tone of exotica which is to follow.  The bouncy energy of “On My Way” is slightly trance inducing and the touch of a wood block hit always grabs my attention.  There is a psychedelic tone on “Sliding” with some imaginative mixing that shows Josh can take turns in any musical direction.  The strangeness continues on “Note To Self” with its spoken word pieces intertwined within electro beats and a hauntingly mellow background at times.  By the time you get to the closer “This Illusion” it has been a wild ride that touched all over the map even within this one song.  Enjoy it for yourself at: http://joshbuche.bandcamp.com/

The record can be streamed on Spotify at: spotify:album:41XPfhQ7Be4TKP3dMsZGk4 

and purchased on iTunes at:



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