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We are always on the search for new and innovative styles of music.  When someone has the imagination to truly experiment and turn things on their heads it makes us stand up and take notice.  Let us introduce you to the music of Klis and his new genre.

Sequential Music

Back in 2011, Edward De Bono’s book ‘Po’ and Steve Spacek’s album ‘Black Pocket’, inspired the experimental musician, Klis, to create a new and alternative method for writing songs.  He dubbed in “Sequential Music”.  According to his definition it is a musical composition where the instruments are played one after the other in a serial fashion.  Any musician who has worked with any production software such as ProTools has probably experimented with running only one track at a time.  Klis has taken this to the next extreme level.

Now Klis has returned to add the next chapter with his new release Sequential Music: An Alternative Approach For Experimental Minds.  He has invited his favourite underground artists to produce tracks using this sequential technique.  From the opening track “What” you are very aware that you are about to experience something completely different.  The songs are difficult to describe but there are no genre lines holding anything back here.  There is a freedom heard on tracks like “I’m Leavin”, “Particle 4”, and “Wubwub”.  The frantic energy can truly be heard on Klis’ own song “Blipper” which started the whole trend.  This is definitely an album to check out if you are open to innovative music.  Go here now: http://sequential-music.com/

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