Loka Puts a Spin on Indie Rock with ‘Northern Oscillation’

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British band Loka brings a progressive new perspective to indie rock with their latest record Northern Oscillation, blending sophistication and irrevocable expression.

Bringing Free Thought to the Table

The feat of the album is composition that drags the listener into a exploration of the world behind Loka’s eyes. This world is completely open to interpretation, begging you to leave preconceived notions at the door.

The album opener, acclaimed single “Herculaneum Rock,” is a dreamy ode to Liverpool in the 1980s. A story of false hope vibes that carry the word today, the dreamy narrative sets the tone for the rest of the album. Additionally, “Herculaneum Rock” opens the mind for explorative thought about current issues in the world, a theme in the record.

Northern Oscillation covers issues from everything, including the positivity of hope and love, but doesn’t leave out disposition of criticism. For example, “The National Mistrust” is a hazy track with haunting vocals that deal with the growing mistrust of politics. The uneasiness of the song heightens the message of uneasiness towards government. Coupled with a rush of drums and brass, musicality reaches a height with this one, and isn’t the only track to do so.

Loka’s Musical Progression

“Everything Exploded” is an expression of synth as well as raspy vocals. The energetic lead single criticizes the internet age. Also taking into account the juxtaposition of taking yourself too seriously while lacking the confidence to do so. Posing thought into making music that’s pointless, there’s a lure to thinking about how instruments compliment that tone.

Of Loka, Street Date Radio said, “For music as evocative as Loka’s, words can do no justice.” I think that’s reflected the most in “A Remembered Remedy,” the closing track that encompasses the album in the final six minutes. In essence, the vocals reach barely above a whisper in a hauntingly beautiful melody. Overall, the album itself is easygoing and equally intriguing.

Loka consists of Mark Kyriacou on keyboard, Tom Sumnall on Bass, Ian Jones on percussion, and Stuart Macdonald on guitars. Northern Oscillation sets itself apart from records of its genre today by exploring the lines of musical composition. Comparatively to records this year that have criticized the way of the world today, the album offers a more personalized look into these themes.

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