Our Last Night Kills A Sold Out Show Live @ The Crofoot

Our Last Night
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What’s a better activity for an unseasonably warm day in mid-March than a concert? For Our Last Night fans, the nice weather didn’t stop them from coming down and packing a sold-out show at The Crofoot in Pontiac, Mi. The Selective Hearing tour is in support of Our Last Night’s Selective Hearing EP which debuted in 2017.


Our Last Night Bring Their Selective Hearing Tour To A Sold Out Show At The Crofoot.


First up for the night was Jule Vera. The four-piece band is lead by lead singer Ashley Newmann who was the only female on the bill for the night. Having caught a glimpse of their performance at the 2017 Vans Warped Tour, I knew the audience was in for a high energy performance.


Taking the stage with a powerful entrance, only a handful of people in the audience seemed to know anything about the band. This band also had more hair that was long and lushes than any 80s hair band.


Their set will full of personality, you could tell Jule Vera are great people on and off stage. Early in their set, a fan threw a box of Cheese-Its to bassist Will who proceeded to open the box mid-song and snag a few. He later threw some into the crowd causing people in the audience to laugh. During Scarlet Letter, a slower song in there set, where Ashley and guitarist Jake who was playing piano, Will and drummer Kyle came out on stage with their phone flashlights on, encouraging the audience to take their phones out and join in.


Ending their set with a more upbeat, pop song “Bad Company,” the audience was more into their set at this point and joined along in dancing and clapping along.


Next up was Don Broco who really got the audience hyped up for the night ahead of them. The band from Bedford, England was truly in awe of the feeling that a Detroit audience can deliver. All five members delivered amazing energy across the entire stage.


Only a few songs into their set, lead singer Rob Damiani encouraged the audience to start a circle pit. Having the audience follow his instructions, Rob was ecstatic by the energy Detroit was giving him.


During “T-Shirt Song,” Rob explained about British nightclub culture. Apparently, there’s a game where you and your friends pick a song and if the club plays that song, you take your shirt off and have an absolute riot. Having been in a bad place at the time, the Don Bronco boys were out one night and the “Bay Watch” theme song came on causing them to take their shirts off and run around the club. Rob encouraged the crowd to participate and swing their shirts or sweatshirts around in the air during the song.


Their last song in the set, Rob again encouraged the audience to start a wall of death. The audience split down the middle and with the drop of the track, both sides rushed towards each other having an absolute blast.

The last opening act of the night was I The Mighty. Their set seemed more toned down than what Jule Vera and Don Broco delivered, however way more people knew their songs. Despite having people yell to turn their mics up, they had great energy during their set.


Singer and guitarist Brent Walsh was armed on stage with a guitar covered in beautifully painted jellyfish and his incredible vocal range and power. While bassist and back up vocals Chris Hinkley was running around the stage, having an absolute blast. He looked so happy to be playing to yet another sold-out crowd.

Finally setting up was Our Last Night. The post-hardcore band had an amazing stage presence that was only emphasized by their set up. With platforms for vocalist Trevor Wentworth, guitarist/vocalist Matthew Wentworth, and bassist Alex “Woody” Woodrow to stand, jump, and dance around on. With massive walls of lights set up behind them, smoke machines, and incense burning, there was such an ambiance that Our Last Night had even before they took the stage.


Straight from the beginning of their set, the energy every member of Our Last Night put out into the crowd was incredible. Trevor described the show multiple times as “the best show of the whole fucking tour” because of the insane energy Detroit fans were giving the entire night. From the packed floor that offered no personal space to the balcony that had so many people it honestly could’ve collapsed, not a single person in that room wasn’t having the time of their life. The sold-out show at The Crofoot is the biggest headlining show the band has had in Michigan after playing 10-15 shows around the different rooms in the Crofoot between opening and headlining.


Only a few songs in, they played a cover of Ed Sheeran’s massive hit “Shape Of You”. Everyone in the crowd went wild and sang along. Especially for a crowd of people that don’t look like massive Ed fans, everyone knew every single world. Our Last Night are known for their heavy renditions of pop songs that are all over their YouTube channel. Later that night they also covered Logic’s massive hit “1-800-273-8255” that features Khalid and Alessia Cara, where everyone also sang along.


The banter between brothers Trevor and Matthew on stage kept the mood of the show going. They kept commenting on the crazy feeling this crowd was giving. The joking around on stage brought out bassist Will from Jule Vera to play a song while Woody went out into the crowd. They sent Woody out into the crowd with very specific instructions.


Stage diving into the crowd, Woody crowd surfed to the bar, grabbed five beers and crowd surfed back. Bartending his bandmates, he handed out a beer to each individual. Woody then staged dived back into the crowd, crowd surfed back to the bar, got poured a shot, crowd surfed back with the shot, and drank it on stage. With the song still playing, Woody stage dived back into the crowd for the third time, and crowd surfed around the entire floor of the concert back to the soundboard where he was ultimately dropped and stuck there after the song ended.


Trevor had to decompress everything hat happened in the span of that song. He proceeded to call it the “craziest show we’ve ever played.”


The show had barely ended, they had just left the stage when everyone started chanting “one more song” louder and louder. What felt like an eternity of chanting brought out the band again in just about a minute. With the rush of the crowd, the band took the stage.


After taking a picture with the crowd, Our Last Night got a little sentimental. “When we first started out the only thing we wanted to do was play shows and tour,” said Trevor. “This is beyond what we fucking expected. Thank you for coming to our show, listening to our music. And every tour we will come back here.”


A group of 8-year-olds pushed there way towards the middle of the crowd so they were right in the action. They ended up crowd surfing and getting attention from the band. Honestly, rock on little kids.

If you’re looking to hit up a show with amazing talent with every band on the bill and enough energy to last a lifetime, you for sure need to check out Our Last Night and their selective hearing tour.

Our Last Night


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  1. Pingback: Oue Last Night “Selective Hearing Tour” – Pontiac – Starr Brown