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If you’ve never heard of Paperhaus, it’s about time you get your daily dose.

They are melancholy. They’re cheerful. They are guitar instrumentals representing moods that can’t be expressed through words. They’re dark, psychedelic rock. They’re political. They are open-minded. They’re intriguing. They are Paperhaus.

Paperhaus Hits Hard

In a society that many people are struggling to comprehend, Paperhaus has tackled concepts many people don’t want to talk about.

Their most recently released album, Are These The Questions That We Need To Ask?, addresses issues in today’s contemporary society. The reoccurring questions of ATTQTWNTA? and it’s themes are looking forward, while the rest of the world is looking in the past.

Founded in 2006, the four members of Paperhaus have had quite an experience so far, and they’re constantly creating more memories. Founding member Alex Tebeleff and other current members Matt Dowling, Rick Irby, and Danny Bentley have previously released five EPs together. The quartet decided after a tense election season that it was time to switch up their former approach to life. That is why Are These The Questions That We Need To Ask? turned political.

There were three tracks from ATTQTWNTA? that were released as singles. The last single before the album dropped on October 6 was the thought-provoking track “Told You What To Say”. The track is a beautiful and relevant message about antifascism and other difficulties associated. The D.C. based band provides deep, meaningful lyrics accompanied by hypnotic rhythms. “Told You What To Say” is slow with a heavy beat that takes a melancholy turn.

Ask the Right Questions

Throughout ATTQTWNTA?, Paperhaus urges society to ask questions for themselves instead of believing everything they hear.

The second single from Paperhaus’ album is similar in theme to “Told You What To Say”. “Nanana” starts out with a long, psychedelic and dark intro that gives the listener time to think, wondering what will happen next.

Alongside dark, hard rock instruments, the lyrics say:

“…Can you believe the times we’re living in? How can we get through it? Are these the questions that we need to ask? Do we know how to choose them?…”

Discussing “Nanana”, Tebeleff told TIDAL “instead of trying to force answers to life’s problem, stuck in the endless cycle of arguing right from wrong with others and with ourselves, ‘Nanana’ encourages us to find new questions to ask about problems, to find new approaches and ways of thinking.”

Overall, the group uses their open-mindedness to offer fans, listeners, and society in general a revolutionary and helpful way to look at life. A healthy dose of Paperhaus is much needed when we’re feeling down or lost.

Contrarily, their other single from ATTQTWNTA? takes a more positive approach to life. In “Go Cozy”, Paperhaus sings about friendship and the positive correlation between good relationships and overall happiness. “Go Cozy” was inspired by their time as part of the D.C. DIY music community. Go Cozy is actually the name of another band who were housemates with Paperhaus. The members of Paperhaus admired the groups open-mindedness and collaborative process.

Ultimately, the music of Paperhaus is bringing people together to talk about and ask questions about many pressing issues at hand. They aren’t just a great, psychedelic rock band. They are transformative. They’re breaking barriers. They are forming communities and friendships. They are Paperhaus.

Connect with Paperhaus:

Official Website




Are These The Questions That We Need To Ask? on Spotify

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