Ryan Chernin ‘You Know Who You Are’

Ryan Chernin
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Hot single “You Know Who You Are” is the debut release from Ryan Chernin. Three singles have already seen the light with great videos to get a look at Chernin as well as hear what he’s all about. The Singer/Songwriter from New York is a different animal than you’ll typically find in the Singer/Songwriter genre because these cuts are not limited to one type of music. Ryan Chernin covers just about the vernacular of Indie Rock with some alternative and even country and folk flavors on an album that must be heard to fully believe that wide of an assessment.

“Accessories” opens the CD with a track that’s previously been heard by anyone following the work of this artist, and it stays fresh in the process, having only been out a short while. But if curious enough to see the video it’s worth adding to what’s heard on this fantastic track, as anyone already knowing can agree. The interesting thing is how Chrernin can sing explicit lyrics like they don’t breed an ounce of concern, which you’ve got to admire anyone’s ability to pull off with flying colors like he does. This isn’t done by accident or any clever stunt, it’s worked out very well by him and Chernin and Co.


The same can be said on “The Song Song” but it’s stylistically in nowhere near the same ball park as a song and might even be a little better than the opener in its own way. There are no peaks and valleys to confuse the listener on this album, it’s a continuously fun ride from start to finish, with an unmatched constancy in today’s music marketplace where that is sorely missed these days. It helps tracks like “Face Time” establish what they’re on the album to do and that is to move you, and also make you think, sometimes a little and sometimes a lot.

“The Ballad Of Bo (The Stormchaser)” is a dramatic piece of music with a well told story in ballad form, but not just any ballad when it boils down to metaphors. This is a no less astounding track than the others, but it hides somewhere between the many grooves throughout the album, so it stands on its own two feet as probably one of the most well- crafted songs included. “Dangerous Game (feat. Evelyn Horan)” and “Ash Tray Kisses” also fall along the top shelf of content as well, the latter of which also can be seen in a promo video, one of three clips already out.

“Quasi” is a blues-drenched song that likely gets the biggest attention on the album, but it also likely fits together with the other tracks the least. However, it’s a big sounding track with nothing but good things to say about it. But it all depends on if you’re ready or not for something so radically different, and if so, this cut is worth every bit of your time and money. And there’s always “Drought (feat. Bekon)” and the final track is also a collaboration but this time featuring both Evelyn Horan and Bekon, on “Sweetie” which easily rates up there with the top four tracks on this sizzling hot CD.

Find more by Ryan Chernin on SPOTIFY


     -review by John Birch  

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