Story Behind The Song With Sami Wolf

Sami Wolf
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Chicago-based female rapper Sami Wolf sets herself apart in every way.  I don’t think there’s been another Jewish-addict-lesbian rapper, so she just might be the first to arrive at that party.  Her unplugged, emotive vibes land somewhere between Paloma Faith and Yelawolf.

We had a chance to get into the mind of Sami Wolf and get the story behind her latest single “Driving 90”.  Enjoy her thoughts here:
Simply put, my songs are diary entries. It’s how I process and I happen to think lyrically. “Driving 90” was written at the time I found out my girlfriend was cheating on me with a man. I was so furious leaving work that night I stepped into a giant puddle walking to my car. Frustrated, I threw my shoes in the back seat. As I began driving I thought about how weird it is that driving barefoot is illegal.


Right then I thought “Driving illegally, bare feet in the rain”. It was pouring outside and I thought about the word “sheets” as it applies to rain falling: “sheets slamming against the window pane”, the meaning one normally applies to that word, plus the other spelling of the word “pain wrapped around me like a blanket”. You get the idea.

Eminem is hugely influential because both in content and style, his songs resonate with me. I didn’t know how much his music taught me at the time, but blasting it to drown out the noise in my house and my head funneled my pain into something useful. Rhythm is so inherently human – the most primal rhythm we have is a heartbeat. That’s why I always write while I’m driving. I write on a scrap of paper balanced in my lap while my right hand holds on to to wheel. I was literally driving 90 miles an hour in a rainstorm when I wrote this song. Dangerous? Without question. Worth it? Without question.

Keep up with Sami Wolf on her personal WEBSITE.

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