Take A Trip And Meet “The Devil & The Deep Blue Sea”

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Sometimes you don’t need to know a lot about a band to know that they have something special within them. The Vim Vigors of Denver, CO seem to be the new kids on the block in easy/jam rock world. Comprised of singer/songwriter Bryan Gonzalez and his coterie of musicians-in-tow, they have created a unique place for themselves in music.

The Vim Vigors combine raw, honest lyricism and lush melodies in their single “The Devil & The Deep Blue Sea.” Immediately upon stumbling on this song, I searched the rest of their Spotify account expecting a full discography from their seasoned sound, but to my dismay, it appeared there was nothing else to be found. It seems as though “The Devil & The Deep Blue Sea” is their debut track, but their sound speaks to years of perfecting their craft.

The Vim Vigors have created a sound that fits the world of jam bands like Dave Matthews Band but without any boundaries. Calm and calculated, “The Devil & The Deep Blue Sea” will entrance you with it’s tones almost instantly. Fitting of the deep blue sea mentioned, a listen to this single makes your body sway fluidly without you even noticing.

To experience a sound so well-rounded and deep from a name I’ve never heard of is so invigorating to experience. “The Devil & The Deep Blue Sea” promises me though that this is not the last I will be hearing The Vim Vigors name.

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