The Flying Hasslehoffs Take Off In A New Direction

The Flying Hasslehoffs
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As we grow older our musical exploration will grow and grow. Being in a band for a long while sometimes throttles that creativity. Always be willing to play different styles to expand your skills. Our recent discovery The Flying Hasslehoffs are a new project from a pair of songwriters that are used to a totally different style of music. If their new single “Life Is Beautiful” is just a taste, they may have another long career on their hands.

The Southwest Florida based band is an offshoot of the hard rock band 10,000 Views. While their well-known drummer Steve Howland was on the road touring with the likes of WASP and Metal Church, the singer and songwriter duo of Timmy Johnston and Johnny Hyatt found themselves working on a different sound. They realized they were onto something memorable and The Flying Hasslehoffs were born.  

This new sound is definitely mellower than 10,000 Views but the indie rock catchiness is undeniable. The pair get to truly show off their songwriting skills on “Life Is Beautiful.”

The single hooks in the listener right from the start with a peppy beat. The heartfelt passion can be felt in the lyrics as the melodies dance around the speakers. The Flying Hasslehoffs sing about the longing they felt for being at home with their significant others while on the road. There is a fresh feel that translates very well. Some fancy guitar work shows that years of heavy metal techniques can be transferred quite well if a distortion pedal isn’t used, lol. 

Penning songs that draw from their many years of experience will surely catch the ears of the masses. The Flying Hasslehoffs are onto something great here. Hear more on their BANDCAMP.

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