The Lad Classic are ‘Feelin’ High’ about their new single

The Lad Classic
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It’s strange to hear The Lad Classic described as a rock band. They are much more than that, as their singles “Oh Me” and “New Emotion” can testify. They break the mould by bringing their own blend of rock that fuses a funky undertone, the energy within their music gets under your skin in a good way. If that was not enough, their hooks make you sing along at the top of your voice. What this creates is a good time while listening. The reason for this is the musical chemistry of Paul Stevens (vocals), Derek Baldwin (guitarist) and Jo Whitney(drums). With each release, each member stands out to showcase their talents but never steals the spotlight. Together is where the magic happens as the sounds they create leave you wanting more. 

Well, the guys have more to offer with their new single “Feelin’ High”. As soon as you press play, the groove has a funky strut that instantly grabs your attention. Stevens quickly jumps in with the opening lines, “I don’t care about the way you walk in / Or all the Boujie places you’ve been”. As he does, the bass intensifies that funky mood. Along with the guitar and drums, it’s easy to get lost in their fantastic soundtrack. Like the releases beforehand, it’s all about the feel-good factor. 

Press play on ‘Feelin’ High’ and feel the good vibes with The Lad Classic

As the song progresses, you find yourself singing along to, “You’ve got your money baby / That ain’t what drives me crazy”. Like a subliminal message, it is repeated throughout and compels you to join in with Stevens. That is not the only time this will happen, as they have created another infectious hook. Before you know it, the earworm will be within you, and you can’t get the line “You got me feelin’ high” out of your head.

As much as the music stands out (especially the guitar solo in the later part of the song), the vocals by Stevens are equally as impressive. The range and power of his voice help deliver his words to perfection. Check out the final chorus as the track approaches its end. He slows things down before bursting back into life for a big finish. As the silence appears, part of you feels good while the other wants another audio fix. A sign of a good song! 

That’s three hits out of three for The Lad Classic! This trio knows how to create a track that makes you move. No doubt a treat when hearing them perform live. As for upcoming tunes, there are more planned, including an EP. Personally, the expectation is high from what they have released. It will be a collection of songs that will guarantee a good time. 

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