Everyone that visits us here at Indie Band Guru is a true music lover passionate about the sounds that amazing artists are able to create.  We love to write about this music and share it with the world.  Unfortunately, sometimes we get too into the music and end up writing a novel for you to read just to find out more about the album.  We have found a friendly alternative to our long form reviews.  Welcome Beardfood to our pleasant network of music writers.

Beardfood Album Reviews

We all know that listening to new music is preferred rather than reading about it on one of the music blogs scattered all over the internet. But how would you discover new music without people like us out there to weed out all the crap? Instead of wasting time and words, Beardfood writes album reviews for people on the go.  They are short, to the point, and easy to read.  Beardfood reviews also rate each album on a scale of 1-10.  Currently they focus on indie/alternative music and review everything from the newest releases to classic album of yesteryear.

Currently they have 10 dedicated writers but are always looking for more.  Maybe we will share some of our reviews there if we can limit our usual verboseness.  To read some quick album reviews head to: http://beardfood.com


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