Parjam Parsi Gets Dark With ‘The Secret Of Despair’

Parjam Parsi

As artists, we must be willing to pour all our lives and emotions into our music. The ups and even more so the downs can be shared through the sounds we make. Life is rarely full of rainbows and butterflies so let’s use our music as an outlet to release the darker times as well. Our recent find Parjam Parsi seems to take this to heart with his debut full-length release The Secret Of Despair.

Born in 1988 in Tehran, Iran, music has been a part of his life since the beginning. Parjam Parsi was drawn to it and devoted much of his time and energy to becoming the best artist he could be. He taught himself how to play piano, guitar, and cello as well as some other instruments along the way as needed. To take it to the next level Parsi put the time into becoming a composer and audio engineer as well. This evolved into the creation of the entertainment company Winter Music Entertainment with a childhood friend.

Years of hard work and difficult failures almost led to Parjam Parsi giving up on his art. Fortunately, he turned the corner and put these feelings into music with The Secret Of Despair. The 13 track instrumental album dives deep into his soul and shares those often dark emotions. As he puts it “This album is a poem for all the years of wasted youth and the wounds left by the extreme practice routine and enthusiasm of research in the history of music, far from life and divided from the world.”

Right from the opening piano attack of “You Know….” the darkness is immediately in front of you. There seems to be anger and even pain in the notes. It comes at you fast and furious. With more song titles such as “Hope Is An Illusion”, “Life Is A Disorder”, and “A Strong Description Of The Agony” it is abundantly clear the direction that Parsi is leading us to with his music.

For the title track “The Secret of Despair”, we are taken on a 7 and a half minute journey through his mind. The slowed down style lets each note have its place in the mix. As the twists and turns evolve we can share in the mindset of the artist. “Running Backward” on the other hand is a sped up piece of beautiful piano work that gets the heart racing but still keeps within a dark minor key.

By the we reach the conclusion of the story (and the album) with “I Witness The Way I End” there is a light of hope and almost happiness. This is exactly what a full album should do. Take the listener on a complete journey and provide that light at the end to continue and move forward stronger than when you came in.

Find the record on your favorite streaming platform HERE.

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