The Black Atlas Gives All Live @ Mercury Lounge

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Photos by Steph Brescia
The Black Atlas, a dark alt-rock quintent based in NYC, threw a pair of hometown shows — Saint Vitus in Brooklyn and Mercury Lounge in Manhattan — to kick off a national tour. Led by Peter Koronios, The Black Atlas is touring in support of Equinox, the final in a trilogy of narrative EPs. We caught them at Mercury Lounge.

They kicked off the set with “Moonsong,” the eerie, heavy opener from Devils, Volume II of the Equinox trilogy. Moving onto The Other, the first EP in the series, they went directly into “Rivers,” a real scorcher of a track. They continued on in this vein, with a few surprises thrown in for good measure.

The Black Atlas is the type of band that walks on stage, plugs in, and gives it their all from the first note to the last. Throughout their set they seemed like they were entranced, putting anything and everything into the music. They were super tight, super clean, and super powerful.

Listen to Equinox below, and keep an eye on The Black Atlas — they plan on wrapping up their tour in the same place they began.


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