c h i Lets Us Hear His ‘hddn Snd’

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Music will always be a fluid art. Those artists who are willing to question the standard norms will create the next trends. There is no staying still in the listening or creation of music. Our recent discovery c h i is out there showing what he can do outside of the lines.

The singer, songwriter, and producer has a way of being different. C h i takes influence throughout multiple genres such as Afrobeats, Pop, R&B, hip-hop and rap. But he has a way of making it unique and different. There is no need for instruments to be in tune or for the vocal flow to follow the drum beat. Uniqueness is open creativity.

On October 21st, 2022, c h i released his new album hddn Snd. The 8-track record is a great journey into his personal sound. Right from the start of the opener “Mama’s Hugs” we know we are in for something different. The exotic beat is filled with sound. Noises seem to come from all angles as c h i lets his vocals flow. The delivery draws you into the story.

A deep reverb echoed feel hovers over “Closer” as the percussion sound rumbles. The switch to the vocals grabs attention quickly. There is experimentation but straight ahead smooth flow at the same time. Each listen turns up another sound to focus on.

The tempo turns up on “Let Go” to crank up the energy. Another exotic beat keeps us guessing where the track will take us. Interesting effects are present to add to this flavor. C h i is all over the place and we love it.

The album closes with the smooth yet exotic R&B of “Tom Cruise.” The amount of beat patterns just keeps increasing. There are sounds coming from everywhere to blend together into a unique sonic tapestry that only c h i could provide. The laid back vocals add an almost romantic feel to the track. A great ending to a truly enjoyable album.

Keep up with c h i on his social media at:



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