Don’t Wait to Listen to Danielle Hollobaugh’s “Patiently”

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The Important Lesson for “Patiently”

The best thing about “Patiently” by Danielle Hollobaugh is its message. Hollobaugh is the type of artist who genuinely wants to spread joy and positivity in her music. It seems to be impossible to listen to any of her work and walk away feeling dejected. She is an artist who has chased her dreams with incredible passion and that shines through in her music.

Hollobaugh’s command over her indie-pop sound is marvelous, she has found her voice and produces a polished product. She uses that voice to encourage the listener to cultivate their own passions and work toward their personal dreams. It has become a popular trend in music to rely on nihilism and pain, but Hollobaugh chooses to focus on love. “Patiently” is the perfect example of this.

In addition to the message, there something to be said about the power and importance of a good beat. The melody and rhythm of “Patiently” are endlessly catchy. It is the sort of melody that will stick with you. Hollobaugh then places her beautiful lyrics on top of her exquisite melody.

The patience of the collective consciousness is clearly wearing thin as the pandemic continues. However, Hollobaugh’s song reminds us that this state is only temporary. This is not always going to be the new normal. We all need to be reassured of this at times.

With “Patiently,” Hollobaugh also sings about the importance of compassion. She sings about the importance of compassion for others, but also the importance of compassion for ourselves. This song is especially about the sometimes slow path that love can take.

Yet, every one of us can relate to our struggle to find our way through Covid-19 and the sluggish pace in trying to get back to normal. “Patiently” reminds us that finding our way back to normal will be worth it. It worth waiting for. We just need to be patient – and be patient with ourselves.

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