Danny Denial Brings the Angst in ‘$ell Me Out’

Danny Denial
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Putting out your first full-length album is stressful for anyone trying to make it in the music business, especially for someone who has on their BandCamp page that they “sound like everyone else.” With that short, cryptic introduction, I introduce you to Danny Denial.

This California native is pursuing his dream in the not-so-sunshine state of Washington. Seattle, to be exact. After releasing a previous acoustic EP, it seems only fitting for him to try his hand at a full release, which is to be titled GOODBYE. Backed by his bassist/guitarist/drummer Kurt Roy, two new singles from this album have been released. One is titled “$ell Me Out” and is an extremely angsty track about, well… life in general.

Danny Denial Channels Inner Angst

This song comes along with a music video as well as a lyric video, showing what true dedication is all about. In the music video, you can see Danny wandering around the streets with a guitar and a shirt that says “I Blame Society”. (For the record, I do, too.) The song itself starts off with a fade-in to a very angsty sound that features some serious guitar riffs.


The drumming in particular stuck out to me because you can just feel the angst. It kind of reminds me of a more calm version of something that Blink 182 would come out with. The vocals have somewhat of a grunge tone to them as the chorus kicks in. As you listen to the lyrics, they seem to be somewhat dismal, but the tempo of the track doesn’t let that be known very much.

The steady beat of the track resembles a surf punk sound that is extremely well fit for the West Coast. Although I’m here on the east, I’m imagining skateboarding down the sunset strip (if I could skateboard). It’s a really catchy tune overall and a great indication of what is to further come from this new album.

Go on over to YouTube to check out the video for “$ell Me Out”.

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