One of the parts of music I love the best is the purity of it.  When 3 guys get together to just play their instruments loud and hard and see what comes of it.  That is how simple it can be to create something great.  Don’t get me wrong, I always appreciate bands trying to create something new but sometimes it is best to just stick with what works and put your all into it.  Today’s find fits this mold very well.  Welcome Dead Modern Villains to your world.

The band has been a mainstay of the club scene in Green Bay, Wisconsin for years but is now getting ready for expansion of their sound to the rest of America.  Dead Modern Villains straight up rock and roll style is pure energy.  This is a band that after listening to for 5 minutes you know you want to get to a live show to feel the energy for yourself.  Singer/guitarist Keith Bouche’s melodramatic vocals and spirited riffs mixed with Mitch Rudolph’s metal influenced drumming and David Arendt’s melodic bass lines evoke rock songs in their purest form.

Dead Modern Villains last full album Wisconsin Blues was released last year.  It is 15 songs of hard rock with a classic rock feel.  Songs such as ‘Silence’ show the bands skill with using their instruments to create something memorable and catchy without the need to try and break new ground.  The blues-influenced ‘Something To Do’ is an in your face rock song where I can picture a crowd bouncing their head to the beat.  The more modern rock track ‘Hind Sight IS 20-20’ is my personal favorite of the record.  Powerful drumming leads the speedy song with a chorus that slows down to grab your attention before diving back in to the powerful song.

The band was recently nominated for 2012 Rock Band of the Year by the Wisconsin Area Music Industry (32nd annual WAMI awards show)  Dead Modern Villains is in the studio now ready to record their second full length album of songs tried and tested at their live shows.  They say the songs have one simple theme –making heads bounce.  I think that should not be a problem at all.

Go listen for yourself at:

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