Death.wav Puts It All Out There

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As an artist, you must first be willing to create music for the love of it. Making music for yourself will allow you to truly dive into what you want to say as an artist. Anyone aiming to just please an audience will often fall flat. Our recent discovery Death.wav understands this and has been churning out music that is starting to gain some momentum.

Hailing from Massachusetts, the 19 year old artist, producer, and engineer has been hard at work making music for the last 3 years. The musical style of Death.wav is truly unique. He finds a way to weave in the classic rap style with experimental sounds and punk sensibilities. He answers to no one except himself. His deep lyrics go over many people’s heads but that is part of the fun for him.

For his latest release, Death.wav brings us the 2 part single “WOAG/WOAW.” As we dive deeper we learn that this stands for ‘Wrath of a God / Wrath of a Woman. The sampled intro lets us know we are in for something unique. The synth sounds hit with a fuzz that wraps the room in a warm and safe space. As Death.wav lets his lyrics flow, the thoughts unfold to open our minds. To him women are close to Gods. Equality of genders is something he feels strongly about. Quite uncommon in the current hip-hop scene. 

The track goes in many different directions to keep the listener guessing where we will be taken next. Sounds creep in from all angles to create a blend that demands multiple listens to take it all in. As more people hear his style, his fanbase will continue to grow.

Keep up with Death.wav on INSTAGRAM and TWITTER.

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