Keels brings in summer with Prison Walls

Keels Prison Walls
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The London-based singer-songwriter Niall Keels is quickly becoming one of the most talked about songwriters in the UK & Ireland. With pop vibes and nothing but positivity in his latest track, it’s not hard to see why.

Keels latest single Prison Walls is the second single off his latest EP.

Keels’ uplifting and unapologetically track ‘Prison Walls’ is nothing but driven. It is motivational music at it’s absolute finest. He employs vocal harmonies and reverberated guitar licks, building to a compelling crescendo. The chorus is a true testament to the pure songwriting ability Keels has available.

Starting off relativity quiet, the track picks up quickly. With fast passed backing beats and the blunt piano chords, Keels intrigues the listener. The track is simple all around but that adds to the lightheartedness of the track.

Keels knows how to produces a motivational and uplifting single. From the lyrics to the instrumental production, nothing alludes to any other emotion. The American Authors-esque vibes can be felt because of this.

‘Prison Walls’ is a song that you want to play on repeats while driving down the highway in the middle of summer. It’s positive vibe throws you into all the stereotypical summer feels we long for come spring.

With positive lyrics such as, “fill my heart with rhythm, free me from these prison walls,” you can’t help but want to jump up and run from life’s troubles. The track has feeling that anyone, anywhere can relate to in some capacity.

Niall draws his main inspiration from heroes Jonny Cash, Phil Collins and Bruce Springsteen. No stranger to the music industry, Keels has toured with The Augustines, Catfish and The Bottlemen and Young Rebel Set.

With Keels on the rise, be sure to follow him on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Stream the song on Spotify:

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