Oliver Monroe – New Project With Classic 80’s Rock Sound

Oliver Monroe
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The hard rock music of 1980’s is still an extremely popular style that has lifelong fans as well as new fans being picked up as they are exposed to it.  The Guns & Roses Reunion tour is selling out football stadiums all across the United States.   People still love that raw energy that came from that generation.  New groups continue to rise up and accept the passed torch such as Oliver Monroe and his new project.   

The singer based in Munich, Germany is probably best known for his stint in the hair metal band MEROE which released four exciting albums over the years.  Now Oliver Monroe is using his own name with this project.  He brought in guitarists BC Sleaze (Shameless) and Tracy G (ex-DIO) along with old bandmate Tommy Wagner (current drummer for Cherie Currie) to record and co-write the new songs.  His love of that classic eras sound has not diminished at all.

Oliver Monroe Shows Why The 80’s Always Rocked

The first album in the new Oliver Monroe project is meaningfully called Power To The Music.  The 10 track record kicks up the energy of and beauty of an earlier time.  The opener “Don’t Waste Your Time” puts the echoed and distorted guitars right at the start to let you know that there will be some excellent skills being showcased here.  The pounding beat and guitar shrills pair with Oliver Monroe’s powerful vocals to set the tone.  “Wasted White Boy” powers up with some distorted guitars and raw vocal energy pulling the track along.  The band slows it down a little for “Yeah Yeah” showing a country tinge in the guitar and a lyrical story that draws the listener in for a closer listen.  The title track “Power To The Music” has that dark metal vibe with a strong beat hammering it home with guitar solos spreading the love and amazement.  “Break The Law” has a simple pounding drum beat that pairs well against the more pop friendly lyrical delivery.  The grinding guitars return on “They Keep Their Eye On You” building up a hard rock powerhouse.  The raw power of “Motherfucker” strikes you right from the first note.  This is a fast paced number that uses a catchy chorus to bury itself deep in your brain.  There is a turn into almost jazz influenced metal on “Don’t Love Me” that sets itself apart from the rest of the record with an aim towards mainstream radio play.  The sweetness returns with the ballad “Hey You” with soft vocals and a mellow guitar melody.  The album closes with “You Make It”, an epic and beautiful song that has arena rock potential all over it.  The soft vocals will get all the ladies in the audience leaning closer to the stage.  Get to a live show if you see Oliver Monroe is coming to your town.  

You can keep up with what’s happening at: https://www.facebook.com/13.six.monroe/

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