Shining “Light” On A New Music Video By Lyra Star

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Lyra Star—musician, dancer, and performing artist—has found a niche personal style in mixing together stunning visual art, contortion and wonderful new-age pop in her unique music videos. Her newest song “Light” adds another brilliant gem to this crown of achievement, showcasing her amazing voice and ability as a contortionist as well as the unique costume design of Kelly Maglia and the stunning cinematography of Andria Chamberlin. Tonya Kay directed the work, collaborating with Lyra Star for the second time in this video.

Its placement in a multimedia piece may make some people wonder, “Can ‘Light’ stand on its own as a song?” They should have no need to worry. “Light” is a wonderful piece of music. The song combines the charm of acoustic cello and piano with accents of electronics. The sound calls to mind a clock, a recurring motif across the work. Lyra Star’s singing also fits well into this mix, her voice the perfect one to carry the song’s somber message.

Watch the video for “Light” below

The visuals crafted for this multi-sensory artwork are stand-out as well. The sets and lighting are intricately crafted, from the bright living room where Lyra sings to the candle lit scenes in which she displays her contortions. Maglia’s costume design, as well, is an intricate artwork all of its own. The white jewel-covered leotard Star wears while singing is intricate, evoking a wedding dress. Her outfit for the other scenes is still eye-catching, while being simple enough to contort in.

Together, the whole piece as an experience is quite cohesive. Among other elements, the sounds of clocks in the music and sights of them throughout the set ties together with the theming of time in the lyrics. Of all of the elements at play, the inclusion of Lyra’s contortion art seems to blend the least smoothly with the rest of the work. However, this is hardly worthy of complaint as it is still an incredibly impressive skill. It is also shot beautifully and adds a nice contrast to the traditional music video scenes of her singing. Altogether, “Light” by Lyra Star is an impressive piece of audio, visual and performance art.

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