Technikult Of Flesh Leads A Dark Underground

Technikult Of Flesh
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The beauty of the underground music scene is that you can do exactly what you want.  There is no mainstream pop crowd or major label to answer to.  This freedom allows real experimentation.  With this, there are no genre restrictions or limits.  A great example of this underground freedom is our recent find Technikult Of Flesh.

The eclectic and dark duo of Hope and Aktor is a true underground music project.  Technikult Of Flesh, otherwise known as TKF, is bound by nothing.  They allow themselves to be experimental and unique without worries of offending anyone.  Technikult Of Flesh blends the lines of alternative rock, electronic, and trip hop into one big dark mess of elegant sound.  Both retro and modern sounds make their presence felt.

The music of Technikult Of Flesh is not afraid to tackle the real issues plaguing society today.  Themes like overpopulation, alienation, technological plagues, and people’s venomous thirst for fame at any cost are all on the table for TKF.  After a two year hiatus, they are back with a bang of new music to bring their fans back into their world.



Song such as “Your Silence” open up the alternative rock space to a darker shade with aggressive industrial sounds leading the way.  An aura of raw energy is created to swarm the listener within the Technikult of Flesh.  The vocals of Hope creep into your brain with reckless abandon.

Technikult Of Flesh Tackles Multiple Dark Genres


Technikult Of Flesh puts their dark stamp on the techno genre with “Run Interference”.  Here they assault their fans with a schizophrenic sound coupled with an apocalyptic message beaten into your head with the pulsating beat.  Noises come from all angels to keep the listener constantly guessing where they are headed next.

Dive into the TKF world for yourself on their SOUNDCLOUD or FACEBOOK pages.

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