VIVIAN Says ‘Pressure Makes Diamonds’

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The duo of Alana Rolfe and Timo Massa form VIVIAN together. The sounds of VIVIAN are enigmatic and alluring. Seeking to explore different textures and emotions, on their newest album Pressure Makes Diamonds they layer psychedelic and glitched-out stylings over crisp hip-hop inspired beats and smooth vocals.

They describe themselves in a cryptic fashion and aesthetically align with some of music’s more mysterious artists. From humble beginnings as an interdimensional being travelling through space and time, making music on Earth has attracted some attention. Earning some airplay on college radio and their first release, 2020’s The Warped Glimmer made some waves. Now Pressure Makes Diamonds is looking to be a big album, having solidified their eclectic and eccentric sound.

Introducing the sound of VIVIAN on Pressure Makes Diamonds is “Unravel.” Featuring an artistic video full of evocative imagery. An eerie atmosphere lives in the contrast they create between bright flowers and gritty noir. Sonically the song brings an off-kilter vibe, the haunting rattle of the percussion comes together with a cloud of eerie synths. The vocals have a charismatic flair that quickly escalates into something more resembling chanting.

Watch The Video For “Unravel” Here

The title track follows up, showing more of what VIVIAN is made of. On the song “Pressure Makes Diamonds” stabbing synths run amok all over the track, and shimmering sounds cascade over each other with a chopped-up tempo adding an uneasy air. The vocals take on more of a pop influence on this track, with a grand performance to lighten up the track as the rest of the song descends into chaos.

Other songs stand out with a captivating aura of their own. “And Everybody Knows” is a glitchy and glittering indie-rock track. Stadium sized drums along with shimmering instrumentals give the sonic sensation of being at a concert on another planet.

The song “It Will Be Fine” gets into a groove. A steady bassline keeps the track going while chaotic instrumentals dance around. Robotic synths and electrifying guitars energize the steady rhythm giving the track some distinctive personality. There is some swagger in the vocals that adds to the funky feeling.

Closing of Pressure Makes Diamonds is “Stop My Heart,” an upbeat glitch-pop track. This one has a bright and catchy hook, feeling like their own take on radio hit. A chorus that you can sing along to adds a lot to the bombastic and pounding production.

Pressure Makes Diamonds releases everywhere on October 26th. VIVIAN has a lot of distinctive and quirky appeal, and this release is bound to add to their cult following. Keep up with VIVIAN to see what they have in store for the future.

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