Timbre Project Have Been ‘Chasing A Sound’

Timbre Project
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We always try to look on the bright side here at Indie Band Guru. If anything has come out of this crazy last year and a half of lockdowns and social distance it has been great music. Musicians are a resourceful lot. The ones with real passion were able to turn their downtime into creating full albums for us to enjoy. One such artist is our recent discovery The Timbre Project.

With much of the normal daily life and responsibilities put on hold due to the pandemic, songwriter Jaime d’Almeida decided to make the most of the situation. He dove in and wrote 10 detailed, cohesive, compelling and story-telling tracks for a new meaningful album under his The Timbre Project moniker. Although he was alone in his studio, Jaime had his help virtually. Frequent collaborator Jason DeWaard was brought in to make the record a reality. Together they recorded, engineered, produced and mixed the entire album from two different locations. 

Swallow the “Bitter Pill” with The Timbre Project

The resulting record Chasing A Sound released in July, is a triumph from a difficult time. From the start we get the angst filled “Bitter Pill.” It is a perfect track for this time. The energy comes off well in a radio-ready pop rock way. The elegant string intro to “She Kept Me Up” takes us in a different direction. As the guitar and vocals come in we get the same energy but in a much more emotional way. Mashups of melodies will keep the listener involved in where the song takes them. 

The emotions continue on “Hold Me, Wait” as The Timbre Project combines thought-provoking wordplay with top notch guitar fills that almost fight for attention. Focus can go either way, and that is ok. Just make sure you give it a few listens. “Anchor Love” plays the lyrical game as well. Jamie d’Almeida is able to paint a picture of getting through some hard times together. 

Personally I was drawn in by “You Always” with its emotional verse building to a big sound chorus. This back and forth provides the best of both worlds in one unique song. A fun melody lays the base for “So Much For Cooler Things” in a mellow and memorable way. This slowed down track allows us to catch our breath and just absorb what is being given to us. Enjoy it all.

Keep up with The Timbre Project HERE.

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