Electro Pop Star Aaron Beri Becoming a Major Name in the Music Industry

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Aaron Beri is a name gaining significant popularity in the music industry and it’s very easy to see why. The young Australian electro pop star has a very unique story and the music that he creates is absolutely breathtaking. Originally from a small village in England, Aaron moved to New York City at the age of sixteen, after being recruited online for modeling. He relied on music during his time modeling and upon moving back to Australia dove head first into making making his dreams of becoming a musician his reality. 

Aaron’s style is very unique to him. From his smooth and impressive vocal range to his deep lyrics to the synths and bass featured heavily in his music. His single “Naked” has received a lot of positive attention from fans, in addition to the music video that he released for it. The video gives viewers a closer up look to an already meaningful song. Aaron has joined award winning producer Audius for the projects he is currently working on. Aaron has a very cleverly crafted yet genuine artist image. Each of his songs have a lot of unique character to them and at the same time are beautifully cohesive from track to track.

Learn More About Aaron Before Upcoming Release of New Track
“I’m Here”

We are excited for the anticipated release of his single “I’m Here” which is scheduled for release this Friday, July 19th. If you haven’t yet listened to all of the music he has released to date, be sure to do that before his next release! You can find his music on Youtube and Spotify. We had the opportunity to interview Aaron Beri. Keep reading below to learn his favorite track, his biggest musical influences and his advice for musicians wanting to make a name for themselves! 

Does one of your tracks feel the most personal to you? 

I’m Here”, which comes out this Friday July 19th, is my personal track that’s out yet. It runs DEEP. 

At the age of sixteen, you moved to New York City to pursue your modelling career. Did you notice a shift in the music that you were creating during this pivotal point in your life? 

My time modelling had some of the most influential moments that created the individual that I am today. I started listening and absorbing sound more intensely than ever during pivotel adolescent moments. R&B music came to the forefront during this time, it stuck with me because of its communicative nature. 

Who have been some of the most instrumental influences on your music? 

My producer, Audius Mtawarwira. Brandon Blue Hamilton. Diane Warren. Myself. 

You’ve had the opportunity to live in several places. How do you think your exposure to many cultures has influenced the music that you create today? 

Coming from a small village and getting to travel the world definitely had some major impact on me. I have been exposed to people from all walks (and situations) in life. Their stories have stuck with me, it’s going to be interesting to see how it all unfolds within my upcoming music. 

Upon moving to Australia, you dove into your passion for music and have seen great success because of this. What advice do you have for musicians who are nervous about taking such big risks to pursue their music? 

Success isn’t made overnight and is never what it seems. Be ready to be in this for the long haul. Be prepared to cry. In fact, cry hard. But work harder. 

In addition to the track itself, you released a music video for Naked. Was this a very different experience for you being on camera for your music as opposed to in front of the camera for modelling? 

Unsurprisingly not, it was a natural progression and the day shooting wasn’t as long. Ha! It does make me forever thankful for the skills I learnt modelling though. They were put to the test! 

You’re at a really exciting point in your music career and gaining more fans with each song you put out. What are your next goals as a musician? 

Oh this is a loaded question! I would love to perform at the Soul Train Awards. I want a Grammy nomination. Hell, I want the Grammy. I want a fragrance line. I want to ignite something brand new. 

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