Aj Angels Will Never Forget The ‘Little People’

Aj Angels
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Each of us leads an interesting life if we choose to absorb our surroundings and not take anything for granted. Always keep your eyes and mind open to the inspiration around you. Your life can be relatable to others. Let it shine through your music. Our recent discovery Aj Angels has put his all into his music and it is starting to turn heads.

The melodic R&B singer was born in Queens, NY, and moved out to Denver, Colorado at a young age. His family hailed from West Africa so there are plenty of diverse musical influences throughout Aj Angels’ upbringing. This has helped him develop his own unique sound that takes from all over with a heavy base in hip-hop and R&B. With his brother Zaysoundz being a respected producer, it gave Aj Angels another leg up to reach his goals. Most notably, he was featured on a track with well known Texas rapper Riff Raff.

Diving into the Soundcloud of Aj Angels turned up “Little People” that really caught my attention. It is an inspirational track about never forgetting where you came from. The laid back beat creeps along in the background letting the focus be on the vocals. You can hear the emotion in the flow as Aj pours out his feelings. The use of some autotune smooths it all out allowing the lyrics to dig deep into your mind. 

Keep an ear out for more from Aj Angels on his socials:




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